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Joy Division LP Vinyl Record - Substance

Artist: Joy Division

Format:Vinyl / 12" Album


Catalogue No:08 25 6 4 6 18 3 9 3 7

Barcode:08 25 6 4 6 18 3 9 3 7


No of Discs:2

Release Date:3 1 Jul 2015

Weight:5 4 4 g

Dimensions:3 10 x 5 x 3 10(mm)

Track Listings

Disc 1


2Leaders of Men

3 Digital

4 Autosuggestion

5 Transmission

6 She's Lost Control

7 Incubation

8 Dead Souls

9 Atmosphere

10Love Will Tear Us Apart

11No Love Lost


13 Glass

14 From Safety to Where

15 Novelty

16 Komakino

17 As You Said

18 These Days

19 Love Will Tear Us Apart (Pennine Version)

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