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Various Artists LP - Late Night Tales: Royksopp

Various Artists - Late Night Tales: Royksopp


Disc 1
1. Daddy's Groove - R”yksopp
2. Passing Through - Rare Bird
3. Light of Day - Little River Band
4. Odi Et Amo - J¢hann J¢hannsson
5. Blade Runner Blues - Vangelis
6. Ice Machine - R”yksopp
7. Music - F.R. David
8. After the Goldrush - Prelude
9. Hands and Clouds - Andreas Vollenweider
Disc 2
1. Hello Beach Girls - Richard Schneider Jr.
2. Love You Out of Your Mind - Bryne
3. Small Hours - John Martyn
4. Stranger On the Shore - Acker Bilk
5. 'Till I Can Gain Control Again - This Mortal Coil
6. Aguirre I Lacrime Di Rei - Popol Vuh
7. Flat of Angels Pt. 2 - Benedict Cumberbatch
Disc 3
1. Daddy's Groove - R”yksopp
2. Passing Through - Rare Bird
3. Light of Day - Little River Band
4. In a Manner of Speaking - Tuxedomoon
5. Blade Runner Blues - Vangelis
6. Ice Machine - R”yksopp
7. Odi Et Amo - J¢hann J¢hannsson
8. Music - F.R. David
9. After the Goldrush - Prelude
10. Hello Beach Girls - Richard Schneider Jr.
11. Stranger On the Shore - Acker Bilk
12. Budapest By Blimp - Thomas Dolby
13. Love You Out of Your Mind - Bryne
14. Hands and Clouds - Andreas Vollenweider
15. Small Hours - John Martyn
16. The Somnambulist - XTC
17. 'Till I Gain Control Again - This Mortal Coil
18. Aguirre I Lacrime Di Rei - Popol Vuh
19. Flat of Angels Pt. 2 - Benedict Cumberbatch