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Squarehead LP - High Time

Squarehead - High Time

'High Time' finds the lads in a more mature mood compared to the album-a-year cycle they were caught up in before. This collection of songs has been road-tested, and anything that didn't feel like it belonged was scrapped over the course of lengthy recording sessions, with producer Lesley Keye ('Respect') once again at the helm.

Disc 1
1. CDHR - Squarehead (2.49)
2. Los Paradiso - Squarehead (4.23)
3. Waves - Squarehead (4.42)
4. Name and Number - Squarehead (3.03)
5. Crossover - Squarehead (3.01)
6. Morning - Squarehead (2.43)
7. Always On - Squarehead (4.07)
8. Ignorance - Squarehead (3.57)
9. After the Sun - Squarehead (2.53)
10. Maybe - Squarehead (3.44)