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Kongo Dia Ntotila LP - 360°:

Kongo Dia Ntotila - 360°:

The second record from kongo-jazz outfit, Kongo Dia Ntotila. The 10-track album pays homage to some of Africa's finest dance music styles - revived, urbanised, and seamlessly fused with a heavy injection of jazz. The ensemble consists of Mulele Matondo (bass), John Kelly (guitar), Mbouta Kissangwa (drums), Diala Sakuba (guitar) and UK jazz horn players William Scott (saxophone) and Mike Soper (trumpet).

Disc 1
1. Kongo - Kongo Dia Ntotila
2. Agbwaya - Kongo Dia Ntotila
3. Mbongo - Kongo Dia Ntotila
4. 360 - Kongo Dia Ntotila
5. Faux Boss - Kongo Dia Ntotila
6. Kinshasa Makambo - Kongo Dia Ntotila
7. Naleli - Kongo Dia Ntotila
8. Feti - Kongo Dia Ntotila
9. Kouple Dekale - Kongo Dia Ntotila
10. Mutwashi - Kongo Dia Ntotila