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Doctor Fluorescent LP - Doctor Fluorescent

Doctor Fluorescent - Doctor Fluorescent

Although he is primarily a scientist and explorer, Doctor Fluorescent also plays musical instruments and uses electronic gadgets to express his ideas to the world. This, his self-titled debut album opens a door to a world of seductive, fresh electronic pop music.

Disc 1
1. Spirits Alone - Doctor Fluorescent
2. Butterfly Jury - Doctor Fluorescent
3. A Museum - Doctor Fluorescent
4. Carbon Footsteps - Doctor Fluorescent
5. Doctor Fluorescent's Emporium - Doctor Fluorescent
6. The Church Sweeper - Doctor Fluorescent
7. These Are My Eyes - Doctor Fluorescent
8. Bamboo Horses - Doctor Fluorescent
9. Softly Saying - Doctor Fluorescent
10. Spies - Doctor Fluorescent